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Welcome to the first passage of our tour.

Your body is where it all starts. If it’s giving you a hard time, you’ll find it hard to make progress towards a perpetually happy life.

I’ve chosen a few physical aspects that Aetheric has helped with so far. Click any that interest you below.

Each topic includes a typical Western approach to recovery, as well as an alternate, more energy-driven approach you could take to help alleviate it.


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[/spb_text_block] [blank_spacer height=”30px” width=”1/6″ el_position=”first”] [spb_accordion width=”2/3″] [spb_accordion_tab title=”Chronic pain” accordion_id=”” icon=””] [spb_text_block pb_margin_bottom=”no” pb_border_bottom=”no” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”]

A Typical Approach

Who knows how it started. An accident while mountain climbing, a genetic disorder, or perhaps you tripped over a terrier. In any case, let’s say you tore something, got nerve damage, and now you’re doomed to experience constant stimulation of a negative persuasion.

There are some modern and effective ways to deal with this pain. You could use pharmaceuticals, of which there are plentiful options. They do genuinely numb the pain, though they have a troublesome tendency to become addictive.

Sometimes the pain requires so much medication, you can’t feel as “present” as you would like to. Everything becomes dreamy, hazy, and passes you by. Maybe you wish there was an alternate way to lessen the pain. Physical therapy helps.


An Aetheric Approach

Aether! Aether is the other choice! Since it’s a perpetual generator of a tangible sensation, at the very least, it’s another contestant for your focus.

The sensation you’ll feel is distinctly positive and pleasant. The longer you hold it, the further the feeling will spread.

At some point, this pleasant feeling will mingle with your sensation of pain.

If the two were to butt heads, what do you think would happen?

They certainly wouldn’t cancel out. Unfortunately it isn’t that convenient.

Just observe. You’ll feel more at ease. Your mind and body are no longer focusing exclusively on the pain. Now, the attention is split. Just try one and you’ll know what I mean.

Remember, I offer free samples. Sizeable pieces that pack real power. You cover the shipping and I’ll happily send one your way.

Realize that I’m not trying to hide this feature. I truly want you to get a free sample. I want you to see for yourself that this can help you. Yes, you, even you, even the one singular person that has this impossible life and has so far been failed by all other routes.

You are the customer I am searching for.

Please. Get a free sample. I won’t get rich this way, I know. There’s little business sense to it.

I genuinely don’t want people to suffer needlessly. I imagine it would be a real curse to live with. As long as this gets out there, and people can find themselves relief, I don’t mind taking a slower path to riches.

This will make me rich, right? At some point it will. Right? Anyone?

Get the sample. Go to the How To page and learn how to fully access your Aether sample.

As for applying it…

Is the pain localized? Keep the Aether as close to it as you can for maximum effect.

More than one place? Make sure each one gets some face time. Or buy a few more and do them all at once.

If the pain is throughout the body, you could lie down and place it somewhere on your torso, such as your navel or over your heart. I should also mention that simply holding it in your palm can get your entire body to “buzz” with this soothing frequency. Just relax, breathe nice and slow, and observe.

There’s another option you can use to soothe the pain. It’s dirt cheap. Nonaddictive. Risk free. If you like the sample, we can talk and I’ll work on a custom accessory for you to receive maximum relief, and I’ll make sure you can easily afford it. There’s a number of options here.

I look forward to helping someone out!

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A Typical Approach

Nothing makes you want to end it all like a migraine. What can you enjoy while this event is rocking your skull? Nothing. Not a single thing. Just lie very still and try not to do anything, anything at all, and then, maybe, you can avoid suicide.

In a nutshell, it’s no fun.

No one really knows what the cause of a migraine is. Is that a little scary? You might think something so common and widespread would be a little more mapped out by now. The scientific consensus has a few good guesses, a few contributing factors that they’re aware of, but that’s the extent of it.

Migraines have a large impact on the economy; more than you might think. As Wikipedia professes:

“Migraines are a significant source of both medical costs and lost productivity. It has been estimated that they are the most costly neurological disorder in the European Community, costing more than €27 billion per year.[123] In the United States direct costs have been estimated at $17 billion.[124] Nearly a tenth of this cost is due to the cost of triptans.[124] including $15 billion in indirect costs, of which missed work is the greatest component.[124] In those who do attend work with a migraine, effectiveness is decreased by around a third.[123] Negative impacts also frequently occur for a person’s family.[123]

As the “triptan” source states, this chemical formulation is not preventative, nor is it a cure.

This meager measure is your only option out of this mysterious agony. Or is it?


An Aetheric Approach

Much like chronic pain, a migraine is a consistent source of aggravation. Naturally, to match it, you’ll need a constant source of alleviation.

Drugs. Always an option. Some don’t like the side effects. Some prefer staying as sober as possible, as long as possible. You know the drill by now.

Aether delivers a consistent, soothing output of energy. This output can be felt by your hands, your feet, most any part of your body. Let’s try your head as an example. Since you’re lying down anyways, and all you can do is wait for it to end, try placing a piece of Aether on your head. Lay it upon your forehead, or place it right next to the very top of your scalp. Then relax, breathe, and feel.

You might notice a different sensation propagating in your head. It’ll be slow at first, and small in circumference. Given time, you may notice it compete with your migraine for perceptual real estate. That is, now there are two sensations ringing through your head.

No matter the Aether you employ, its sensation will no doubt be more pleasant than your migraine. So encourage it. Foster it, further its strength by giving it focus.

I won’t make you any guarantees. Migraines are not a simple itch. It won’t be easy. If nothing else gives you much peace, I have to recommend this. As stated in the Second Tenet, it would be my pleasure if you would accept a free sample.

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A Typical Approach

What a drag.

It’s not something people would call an illness. It doesn’t feel like a disease. You’re not sick. The issue here is that your body won’t do what it should. You’re healthy, you don’t do drugs, you work out and you love your partner. Even then, you just can’t get it up.

It’s frustrating, humiliating, and worst of all, there’s seemingly nothing you can do about it. Besides buy an expensive pill.

The Western interpretation of this condition doesn’t leave the patient with many options. However, if we take a quick glance around the world, we might see a number of options to improve one’s sexual health.

Ever hear of tantric sex?

Tantra originates in India, and it can be utilized in most every aspect of life. The aspect most known on this side of the ocean is sexual tantra, and though you might see it as a kooky guide to incorporate more circus tricks into your love life, there’s more to it than that. In truth, it’s simply meant to incorporate more energy and promote spiritual growth through sexual activity. To connect to higher aspects of ourselves through the union of masculine and feminine. As far as spirituality goes, Indian culture invokes more sexuality in their heavenly pursuits than we might be used to over here.

China has Taoist sexual practices that are in much the same vein, and follow similar methodologies.

According to these systems, sexuality and biological energy go hand in hand. If you are unable to circulate it properly (due to blockages or simply an overall lack of energy), some functions may suffer.


An Aetheric Approach

This one’s a cinch. Once you get your Aether and learn what energy actually feels like, you’ll notice some similarities between how it feels, and how you feel when things get sexy. That special mix of electricity and euphoria? It’s here now, in your hand.

That awareness alone is a powerful tool. This opens up a number of options for you.

By taking a glance at my Intro to Energy page, you’ll notice that there are a few simple mechanisms that almost every major energy-based system of belief in this world have in common.

Particular attention to breath and posture appear to help you accumulate and circulate this energy to its highest potential. As the prior mentioned energetic systems of sexuality state, if you lack the supply and means to circulate energy, you may notice a sexual deficiency.

You may see where this is going.

Aether not only supplies you with a tangible bioenergetic fuel. You will find that it will aid in your progression towards a more energetically capable body. Your sensitivity, your capacity, your mastery.

Sexuality is so very important to our livelihoods. You want to be dependent on a pill for the rest of your life? Or are you man enough to take things into your own hands?

As stated under the Second Tenet, I will happily give you a free sample to demo this with. You have nothing to lose, let’s go already. You owe it to your future lovers, as well as your wallet.

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A Typical Approach

Malaise: a general feeling of discomfort, illness, or uneasiness whose exact cause is difficult to identify.

That really narrows it down, doesn’t it.

Whether we can explain it or not, there are times when we aren’t feeling too hot, and we have no idea why. We’re not sick. It’s not some genetic disorder, or a disease you catch.

Some days you just feel a little off. No one can shed any light on why. No doctor you’ve been to, no blog you favor, nothing. You feel like you’re the only one stuck with this mysterious affliction.

In cases like these, are you doomed to live with it? What if it happens every day? I’ll bet it’s a real bother.

I’m no stranger to that, my friend.

There are some things that help. Exercise, good diet, lots of water. Fruits and veggies, throw some pink salt in a glass of water, these things can really pep you up.

Thing is, they don’t always hit the spot. And if they do, it doesn’t last forever.

What does one do, if no one can help them with this?


An Aetheric Approach

When in doubt, look to energy.

This is the approach I’ve taken in life once confronted with this new aspect of reality. If no one has a physical fix, see what can be accomplished with a little ethereal juice.

If it’s true that millions upon millions of people spanning dozens of countries feel a unique and otherwise unattainable peace while practicing energetic works, then it’s likely it can give you a unique and otherwise unattainable peace as well.

As I say on my page Intro to Energy, it is apparent that Aether and these practices are dipping into the same pot, so to speak. They both access the same sort of biologically available energy. Thus, I am confident you can achieve the same peace these peoples achieve with this special metamaterial, given you are attentive and use it correctly.

Grab yourself a free sample and see if this helps address this funk of yours. You owe it to yourself.

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A Typical Approach

Hello darkness, my old friend,

I’ll eye this ceiling with no end…

Now here’s something I have plenty of experience with, as do all of you. Who hasn’t had at least one night of insomnia?

What a joke — who hasn’t had at least a month of insomnia?

Face it. We have Netflix now. Almost everyone has a smartphone they can have join them in bed. There’s a colorful assortment of drugs you can get from a dealer, or your own doctor, all readily available and sporting a beautiful bouquet of side effects. Our sleeping habits haven’t a chance. And that’s just for starters.

There are some of us with a unique sensitivity to electromagnetic smog. A house full of WiFi and electric devices buzzing information off the walls can keep some awake despite their best efforts. There is a growing movement dedicated to both furthering research on this phenomenon and providing means for those affected to remedy potential causes.

Say you address all these factors. No electronic stimulation near bedtime. No drugs, no WiFi. Great diet, plenty of water. What is it that keeps you up?

If you’re like me, the last remaining issue is your own brain firing thoughts with seemingly no end. Directing you to pour over pointless details of your day, your past and future. Reviewing every little thing it can get its little synapses on. Commercial jingles, horrible songs on the radio. Seemingly no mercy for the weary.

Hypnosis is an option, and a good one. There’s plenty of programs out there where you play some audio meant to relax you, clear your mind, and guide you to sleep.

This one usually did the trick for me, but in case it doesn’t…


An Aetheric Approach

Let’s imagine that energy might play a role in this scenario. What exactly the issue is, I couldn’t say. Could be an excess of energy that fails to circulate from the head. If I had to guess. Only some truly refined research could answer that for sure.

In any case, myself and others have noticed that it is much easier to sleep when you have Aether at your side.

Each Variant of Aether has its own signature tempo. Consider them energetic metronomes. As any metronome would, it provides pacing and order.

Is your mind being unruly? Is it a mental depiction of a garden overrun with weeds and brambles? If you tire of attempting to keep it kempt, relax a moment and let the Aether do its thing. Stop following your inerrant thoughts like lambs to a shepherd, and utilize this ethereal cattle dog. You will find yourself paying more attention to this organized energetic output than your rambling, random thoughts that serve no purpose other than to deprive you of peace and quiet.

Doubtful? Put it to the test. Remember, you are entitled to a free sample. Those with the unruliest of minds, step up to the plate and let Aether do what it does best: clean up the mess. Relax, tune into the tempo, and witness the noise slowly melt away.



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A Typical Approach

Not too much to it. Boredom is fairly straightforward.

I wouldn’t call it much of a disease, but boy can it make life a drag.

Boring job? Boring classes? Boring life, day after day? It might not kill you physically, but it sure feels like your soul is being fed through a cheese grater. Might as well be a form of chronic pain.

Most, myself included, would consider boredom an emotional quality. However, there is a physical aspect to it which you can tangibly feel. It’s that stupefying weight, that deflation that seems to make time stretch on endlessly.

This is most common at a job where there’s a prolonged lull. Periods of inactivity. Waiting. Waiting for something to do, waiting for the end, waiting for a meteor to wipe out the whole town so you’ll never have to wait again. At that instant, your body is in need of something to jump start it back to life.


An Aetheric Approach

Aether is the ultimate boredom killer.

It couldn’t be easier. Hold an Aether device in your hand, and the stupefication melts away. It just vanishes.

I’m sorry it sounds utterly magical and fantastic.

But hey, sometimes it really is that easy.

There are numerous instances where I’m at work, or stumbling around town, bored as a pile of dusty beans, and at that instant I would remember that I have Aether on me.

I’d think to myself, nah, there’s no way it’ll do its thing this time. I’ll pick it up, I’ll feel a teensy buzz and nothing more. I’ll remain half asleep and life will continue slowly spiraling the drain. This is surely the only outcome. Right?

To date, this has yet to happen.

Every single time, I feel immediately revitalized. Like I’ve fallen into a cool pond. It’s great.

I could go on, but you get the picture.

If your job is slowly sucking the life out of you, I suggest you employ any and all tools you can find to make it less abysmal. Inch your way towards creating a paradise out of all avenues of life, brick by brick.

Your job is a third of your life. Who says it has to suck? Stick Aether in your pocket, bring it out when you need it. I offer free samples, so you have no reason not to give it a little try.

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A Typical Approach

If you don’t know what lethargy is and can’t bother to look it up, you probably have it.

Lack of energy is the gist of it. You could call it sleepy, but it’s not quite that. You’re just… sluggish. Some days you just can’t muster a drop of enthusiasm. Can’t get anything off the ground. In essence, the day ends up feeling like a waste.

What’s the cause? I imagine there are dozens. Improper nutrition. Lack of sleep. Junk food. Not enough water. Drugs and pharmaceuticals. The list goes on.

Typical fix? You could nap. Nap on and on until you’re 58. Or you could guzzle some coffee, maybe a Rockstar. You won’t feel great, but hey, at least you’ll be unable to sleep. Some fruits, veggies and water could make a real dent in this. As always, if you’re putting high quality material in your body, you’re going to feel better.

Though if you’re too impatient for all that…


An Aetheric Approach

Much like the aforementioned boredom, all you have to do is hold an Aether device and notice a substantial improvement in your molassa-bility.

It’s pretty straightforward. Lethargy. Lack of energy.

What’s the single function of an Aether device?

To emanate energy.

Don’t be surprised if holding an energy emanation device will have an effect on your energy.

There’s little more to be said. Grab a free sample and see how easy it is to put that pep back in your step.

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The Second Tier

Now that we’ve addressed the obvious thorns in our sides — that which is a constant damper on your experience — we can go after the next tier. The sorts of things you just don’t have the time or energy to deal with if you have a chronic issue.

You ever feel off for a different reason? Not a disease, not some issue concerning our health, but a simple unhappiness. There’s something that distracts you from having fun with your friends, or while you’re out in public, or even when you’re with your loved one.

Something is simply… off. And you’ll never really feel like you “have it all” until it’s over and done with.

Here’s a few spots that could use some attention on the physical plane. If I’m doing my job right, addressing a few of these may very well help.

See if any could apply to you.

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A Typical Approach

How do you feel, standing there?

Are you comfortable? Secure? Do you feel you have balance? Stability?

If you’re in a nice, breezy park and no one’s around to see you, perhaps. Or perhaps not even then.

However, if you’re a painfully aware tyke like myself, just standing there can be unnerving sometimes. Not for a lack of confidence, or some neurological disease.

All I can say is, there’s something off about standing sometimes. It isn’t always so comfortable.

What’s more, perhaps you grew up in Seattle most of your life like me, and your head now droops to the ground automatically. All that rain, right. Don’t want it in your face.

Any number of factors of our upbringing might result in us having permanently stooped posture. We might not even know our posture is bad until we see ourselves in photographs, or when we try and primp ourselves real quick as a cute guy or girl walks by.

Go ahead. Primp. Try and do “good posture” justice. What’s it feel like?

Maybe for some, it feels like putting on a glove. Natural, effortless. For a large number of us computer-suckered geeksquads, we’re hunched over almost all the time. Attempting good posture feels awkward, forced, wrong. As long as it feels that way, it will be difficult to reverse these tendencies.

I imagine you would like to reverse it, yes?


An Aetheric Approach

If you desire to improve your posture, you might not find it by doing endless sets at the gym. It can be helped, but addressing the root of the issue will be difficult. The best bet would be to follow some sort of comprehensive system. Be it dance, martial arts, or even the military, a system will give you not just a physical exercise, but motion, purpose, function, intention and of course, energy.

In the meantime, I know a system you could do right away without wearing black tights or joining the ranks of the army. My system! Use energy as a guidepost, and let it lead you towards a more skillfully aligned body.

Think of Aether as the battery which jump starts your car. Your body has energy in it already. All living beings on this planet do. All this technology is doing is accumulating it to a great enough extent that you become aware of it.

Much like the blood in your veins, energy has much the same layout. The Chinese called these energetic vessels meridians and, much like arteries and veins, they transport energy throughout your body.

We don’t have to get too much into that now. For now we’ll keep it simple.

The cardiovascular system and the meridian system have much in common. If your blood has difficulty reaching parts of your body, that part will suffer in one form or another. It could range in severity, from a stroke to unusually cold hands.

Now think on this. My definition of good posture: any position that results in optimum circulation.

It’s tougher for us to feel our blood flow from one moment to the next, but energy? Easier than you might think.

With Aether, you’ll find yourself more in tune with your own body’s energy flow. As this becomes easier for you, all you have to do is a simple task: stand there in a way that allows energy to flow freely.

If you’re a fella, widen your stance. Just believe me, it helps.

How can you tell energy is flowing freely? By how good you feel. Much like after a yoga session, or simply a good stretch, you feel like you’re glowing. Just stretch, breathe, and take a pose.

Once you get the hang of it, you won’t need to worry whether or not your back is perfectly straight, if your head is angelically aligned, or if your hips are squared. The only notion you need know: is energy flowing freely, to as many parts of yourself as you can muster? That’s all you truly need to both feel and look confident, secure and at peace.

This is getting a little long-winded, so for further information keep your eyes peeled on my blogs.

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A Typical Approach



the beat, rate, or measure of any rhythmic movement

In this case, we are discussing the way in which we walk around. How we glide through life.

Do you shuffle? Shimmy? Waddle? Tip toe? Stride, stumble, stomp?

The way you carry yourself is how the world sees you. Not everyone will talk to you, or get to know your likes, dislikes, your aptitude for spontaneous freestyle rap NOR how good your butt looks naked.

Most people aren’t ever going to get a chance to see what you’re really like. All they will ever know about you is your cadence.

You could be the most handsome man the world has ever known. If you flap your feet like a duck and hobble side to side, people will believe you to be mentally handicapped.

You could be an ugly, ugly hag. Just… horrible. The worst. Yet if you walk with grace and absolute ease, everyone around you will assume you own the place. In fact, the uglier you are, the more your expert cadence stands out. It makes others do a double take.

Perhaps there was a reason royalty placed so much importance on their strut.


An Aetheric Approach

No need for royal minions to put you through the paces for years and years.

There’s a quicker way to earn yourself that perfect walk that commands attention and respect.

The key is, contrary to what you would expect, to let go of rigidity and form. Instead, elongate your body like a kite on a string, and with each step, feel.

Feel your body. Feel those around you. Feel the very area you find yourself walking in.

All of this can only be accomplished with energy.

This skill can be subconsciously over many years of rigorous practice.

OR, you can knowingly pursue and reach this “sixth sense” in a fraction of the time.

Cadence isn’t some program you recite from memory. It’s a dynamic dance of body and floor. You reflect both yourself and your surroundings. Second-rate cadence enthusiasts attempt to analyze the room, conjuring up body language to match up against him, or woo her, etc.

A first rate individual doesn’t need to see or think. This individual needs only to feel and move.

Naturally you will need to have some semblance of balance. You can’t be tripping over yourself.

A good tip: as you walk, try and utilize every single muscle in your body, but as minimally as possible. Don’t tense up. This will interfere with your ability to feel.

Do allow the weight of each step to be shared by the legs, back, the lowest of abs, the littlest of muscles in your neck, even the muscles in your scalp. Can you feel them, as you take each step?

It might sound like a little much. There’s a slight learning curve to this if you’re not used to feeling all these aspects at once. Especially in something as simple as a footstep.

With practice, you’ll find that a body aligned can circulate energy with little friction, both while standing and in motion. Beyond simply moving a little more gracefully, this boost in energetic conduction brings with it an incredible new confidence, and an act as simple as walking around will suddenly feel so very pleasant. It’s worth it to pursue.

…but of course, if you can’t feel energy, you’ll miss out on many of these perks. Get yourself up to speed with Aether. Free samples are available. This takes a little while to get down, so I’d learn up as soon as you can. Why put it off?

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Under construction! Check the Progress Blog to see when I estimate I’ll get around to this.

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Under construction! Check the Progress Blog to see when I estimate I’ll get around to this.

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Under construction! Check the Progress Blog to see when I estimate I’ll get around to this.

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Under construction! Check the Progress Blog to see when I estimate I’ll get around to this.

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Under construction! Check the Progress Blog to see when I estimate I’ll get around to this.

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