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Within any single Western country the word “energy” is used to describe a lengthy list of phenomena. You have your kinetic energy, your heat energy, radiation, electricity, your acoustic/vibrational energy. We has these cosmic rays, lasers and light, and chemical energy such as the ATP in our cells, or what you might find fueling our highly inefficient rockets.

Then there’s dark energy, which is a concept Western physicists base most of their math on, and while it supposedly makes up 63.8% of the energy in the universe we have yet to run into it. Wonder what that will look like when we find it? Oh well, no use dwelling on it now.

The energy I hope to shed some light on is a little unique. Over here some might call it bio-energy, or vital energy. We don’t actually have a dedicated word for it in English, as opposed to most every other language on this rock.

What’s more, other and older civilizations have much of their history, philosophy and psychology steeped in their personal approach to this unique form of energy. Each one a wide field of study unto itself.

Let’s break it down.

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In traditional Chinese culture, Qi is an active principle forming part of any living thing. Qi literally translates as “breath”, “air”, or “gas”, and figuratively as “material energy”, “life force”, or “energy flow”. Qi is the central underlying principle in traditional Chinese medicine and martial arts.[1]

The development of Qi theory and methodologies originated over 4000 years ago.[2]

Qigong, translated directly as “life-energy work,” had four million practitioners in the U.S. alone when surveyed in 2007.[3]

Practices involving Qi:

  • Feng Shui: The traditional Chinese art of geomancy, the placement and arrangement of space called feng shui is based on calculating the balance of qi, interactions between the five elements, yin and yang, and other factors. The retention or dissipation of qi is believed to affect the health, wealth, energy level, luck and many other aspects of the occupants of the space. Attributes of each item in a space affect the flow of qi by slowing it down, redirecting it or accelerating it, which is said to influence the energy level of the occupants.[4]
  • Qigong: Qìgōng (气功 or 氣功) is a practice involving coordinated breathing, movement, and awareness, traditionally viewed as a practice to cultivate and balance qi. With roots in traditional Chinese medicine, philosophy, and martial arts, qigong is now practiced worldwide for exercise, healing, meditation, and training for martial arts. Typically a qigong practice involves rhythmic breathing coordinated with slow stylized movement, a calm mindful state, and visualization of guiding qi.[5][6[7]
  • Martial Arts: Qi is a didactic concept in many Chinese, Korean and Japanese martial arts. Martial qigong is a feature of both internal and external training systems in China[8] and other East Asian cultures.[9] The most notable of the qi-focused “internal” force (jin) martial arts are Baguazhang, Xing Yi Quan, T’ai Chi Ch’uan, Snake Kung Fu, Southern Dragon Kung Fu, Aikido, Aikijujutsu, Luohan Quan and Liu He Ba Fa.Demonstrations of qi or ki are popular in some martial arts and may include the immovable body, the unraisable body, the unbendable arm, and other feats of power.

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“In Hawaiian & Tahitian culture, Mana is a form of a spiritual energy and also healing power which can exist in places, objects and persons. It is the Hawaiian belief that there is a chance to gain mana and lose mana in everything that a person does. It is also the Hawaiian/Tahitian belief that mana is an external as well as an internal thing. Certain sites in the Hawaiian Islands and the archipelagoes of French Polynesia (Tahiti) are believed to possess strong mana. For example, the top rim of the Haleakala volcano on the island of Maui is believed to be a location of strong mana and the ancient temple site (marae) of Taputapuatea on the island of Raiatea in French Polynesia is considered to have palpable mana.

Hawaiian ancestors also believed that the entire island of Moloka’i possesses strong mana, as compared to the neighboring islands. Many ancient battles among the Hawaiians, prior to the unification by King Kamehameha I, were fought over possession of Moloka’i Island, partly for this reason (and possession of the numerous ancient fish ponds that existed along the southern shore prior to the late-19th century).”[1]

Ever wonder how Hawai’i got its name?

“When the first Haole (slang for Caucasian), no doubt one of Captain Cook’s crew, arrived at the Island of Hawai’i, he came ashore, and asked the first Hawaiian he saw, “What’s the name of this place? Where do you live?” The Hawaiian answered, “Hawai’i.”

Then the sailor went to another area of the Big Island and asked the next Hawaiian he saw, “Where do you live?” The second Hawaiian said, “Hawai’i.” And then a third, with the same answer, so the island was named “Hawai’i.” What each Hawaiian meant was, “I live in the supreme Mana that rides on the life’s breath.”

When the sailor visited the next island, he asked the first Hawaiian he saw, “Where do you live?” This Hawaiian said, “Hawai’i.” And then another island and another, and still the same answer, “Hawai’i.” So Captain Cook named all the Islands, “Hawai’i.”

But Hawai’i isn’t just a place in the middle of the Pacific, it’s a place inside you — a place that, wherever you go in the world it is still inside you. You see, what the Hawaiian was saying was, “I live in:

Ha: meaning breath, or breath of life

Wai: meaning water, but also a code word for Mana or life force, and

‘I: meaning supreme”

One more fun tidbit. Just what does that term mean, haole? Why was it given to us white folk?

“In the early 1800’s, when the first white visitors to Hawai’i arrived, the Hawaiians watched them carefully especially when they spoke or prayed. Soon the Hawaiians noticed something odd about the missionaries. The Hawaiians had confirmed their suspicions — the newcomers didn’t breathe, at least not the way the Hawaiians did. The Hawaiians were miffed. Before any Hawaiian would begin to chant, or even to make a pronouncement, they always breathed and meditated, but the new arrivals didn’t, so they were called Haole. Ha, meaning “breath,” and Ole, meaning “lacking.”[2]

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“Prana, hailing from the Hinda religion, is the Sanskrit word for “life force” or vital principle. In Hindu philosophy including yoga, Indian medicine, and martial arts, the term refers collectively to all cosmic energy, permeating the universe on all levels.” [1]

There a number of aspects of Indian culture that make use of prana as a vital ingredient. One of these is tantra:

“Tantric ritual seeks to access the supra-mundane through the mundane, identifying the microcosm with the macrocosm.[2] The Tantric aim is to sublimate (rather than negate) reality.[3] The Tantric practitioner seeks to use prana (energy flowing through the universe, including one’s body) to attain goals which may be spiritual, material or both.”[4]

Another is their system of organizing and harnessing prana through bodily vortices known as chakras:

“A chakra (Sanskrit cakra, “wheel”) is thought to be an energy point or node in the subtle body. Chakras are believed to be part of the subtle body, not the physical body, and as such, are the meeting points of the subtle (non-physical) energy channels called nadi. Nadi are believed to be channels in the subtle body through which the life force (prana) (non-physical) or vital energy (non-physical) moves. Various scriptural texts and teachings present a different number of chakras. It’s believed that there are many chakras in the subtle human body, according to the tantric texts, but there are seven chakras that are considered to be the most important ones.”

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Pneuma, from the Stoic philosophy in Greece, is the concept of the “breath of life,” a mixture of the elements air (in motion) and fire (as warmth). Originating among Greek medical writers who locate human vitality in the breath, pneuma for the Stoics is the active, generative principle that organizes both the individual and the cosmos. As a force that structures matter, it exists even in inanimate objects.[1]

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Lung (pronounced more like rlung) is a key concept in the Vajrayana traditions of Tibetan Buddhism and has a variety of meanings. Lung is a concept that’s particularly important to understandings of the subtle body and the Three Vajras (body, speech and mind). Tibetan medicine practitioner Dr Tamdin Sither Bradley provides a summary:

The general description of Lung is that it is a subtle flow of energy and out of the five elements (air, fire, water, earth and space) it is most closely connected with air. However it is not simply the air which we breathe or the wind in our stomachs, it goes much deeper than that. Lung is like a horse and the mind is the rider, if there is something wrong with the horse the rider will not be able to ride properly. Its description is that it is rough, light, cool, thin, hard, movable. The general function of Lung is to help growth, movement of the body, exhalation and inhalation and to aid the function of mind, speech and body. Lung helps to separate in our stomachs what we eat into nutrients and waste products. However its most important function is to carry the movements of mind, speech and body. The nature of Lung is both hot and cold.[1]

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Originating from Germany in the mid-19th century. The name was derived from the Norse god Odin by Baron Carl von Reichenbach in 1845.[1]

As von Reichenbach was investigating the manner in which the human nervous system could be affected by various substances, he conceived the existence of a new force allied to electricity, magnetism, and heat, a force which he thought was radiated by most substances, and to the influence of which different persons are variously sensitive. He named this vitalist concept Odic force. Proponents say that Odic force permeates all plants, animals, and humans.

Believers in Odic force said that it is visible in total darkness as colored auras surrounding living things, crystals, and magnets, but that viewing it requires hours first spent in total darkness, and only very sensitive people have the ability to see it. They also said that it resembles the eastern concepts prana and qi. However, they regarded the Odic force as not associated with breath but rather mainly with biological electromagnetic fields.

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I’ll cut to the chase. Where’s Christianity? How about Catholicism? Not even Mormonism?

There’s no mention of energy in any of these paths, nor how to accumulate and refine it within yourself. There’s been a pretty clear pattern of it so far, but Western faiths appear to be lacking the same framework.

I’d say the same about Islam and Judaism, though I’ll let you in on a secret: there’s actually a more spiritually oriented branch of them both that has the energetic aspect covered. Kabbalism, the esoteric, more “spiritually scientific” branch of Judaism, strives to explain not only how the mechanics of the universe are organized, but how to organize them yourself through Kabbalistic practice, or what many would consider to be magic. [1]

Sufism is almost the same deal to Islam as Kabbalism is to Judaism. One big difference is that Sufism has God more integrated into every step of the process. Even their basic definition of energy is essentially “Divine Presence”.[2][3]

I didn’t include these in the table above because a) Kabbalism has like five different types of energy, and b) Sufism deals with energy and its development within oneself, but doesn’t separate it from God, so it’s rather complex to see further details about the energy itself without dragging all this dogma into it.

Now be all that as it may, I return to my original question. Where are the energetic practices of the “American” religions?

Are you Christian? Were you ever taught anything about divine energy? Ever given any practices to close the gap between you and God? Bring you closer, feel Him better?

How come everyone else does but you guys? Even to this day, almost every other branch of spirituality has at least one or two options to flesh themselves out energetically, to better support their interactions with the Divine.

All that we’re told to do here in the good old U.S. of A is to pray our asses off, and listen real quiet like until God speaks. At least, this is what our politicians would have us know.

Not much of a system. Doesn’t prepare you to suss out what God’s word would even feel like. Nor how to maintain that link. I’m not devoted to any one system of religion, but I would imagine that link would be important to you.

I don’t know. Doesn’t it seem a little lacking, relative to the rest of the world? Just think on it.

Oh, one more thing. Christianity actually did have some energetic practices at one point. Way, way back when Gnosticism still roamed the Earth during the 2nd and 3rd century. This alternate interpretation of the Bible split the church up a fair amount at the time.[4] Seems the Christian school of belief had an energy based system of “magic” as well, once upon a time.[5][6]

…though I’ll tell you what, Gnosticism can be come off as a little unnerving for some. Real bleak picture of the cosmos. Interesting read nonetheless. It’s a little like watching a season of Supernatural.

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What a fascinating trip into the kooky. Ancient peoples sure had a cartoony way of seeing the world, right? It was all just some primitive, ignorant way of making sense of the spooky cosmos, as we are all very certain of. They didn’t have a clue as to what reality was really all about.

I mean, even if hundreds of millions of people were to still practice and develop these methodologies, surely, they’re only deluded by the tradition of their wacky countries and outdated, debunked mythologies. They must be burying their heads in the sand, because we, the scientific elite, have all the answers for these mysterious properties of matter and energy.


If someone lays their hands on you, cites a prayer, and you feel better? Must have been imagined. You got duped.

You see a ghost? You’re hallucinating. May we recommend an asylum?

Grab a hold of Aether or some other bioenergetic tool. You say you feel something? Oh, you poor fool.


You’ve been hypnotized by the salesman. Some sort of conditioned response was pulled out of you. You’re imagining things. You’ve been fooled. Our current model mentions nothing like this, so as you can see, it must not have happened as you thought it did.

See, we have it all figured out. We’ve made it very easy to be confident and comfortable in this society.  The answer is quite simple: if you don’t agree with our framework, you’re a crazy kook.

It’s foolproof. It takes literally no critical thinking. If you see outside our box, you are missing the target due to a lacking mental faculty. A deficiency in judgment, a lapse in your mental stability. You cannot properly make sense of reality, and you should seek help.

As long as you are careful to corral yourself along the borders of our safe and guided tour of reality, you’ll do just fine here.



Wait, what’s that? You say you’re not crazy? Well, who are you? One person? Against the consensus of the scientific establishment? Fat chance that will go anywhere. We’re all pretty sure you’re crazy. We’ve done tests. How many tests have you done? How many journals are broadcasting your name? Five? One? Or none. It’s none, isn’t it?

We’ve ensured it is well known that the only true reality is what we’ve spelled out in these journals. If you are not granted admission, you get no say. Now move along and let the big boys do all the thinking and figuring out for you.

We have millions of dollars, nay, billions, to prove to everyone that you didn’t see or experience a damn thing. Money not only rules your politics, it also determines scientific law. If you can’t fund a couple million dollar studies, you’re out of luck.


Be any of this the case…


Who will you trust in the end? Yourself, or us? The rules that now reign are repeated around you almost everywhere you go. If something happens to you that these rules do not cover, will you stick with the assumption that your experience was real?

Or, will you cave in and agree with the current popular assumption: your brain crumpled in on itself, had a little hiccup and resulted in mild insanity and delusion. Sometimes those things just happen.

It’s in your genes, probably.

Nothing to be done about that.

In any case, it’s no matter. Soon there will be a law to scoop you up and medicate you into agreement. We’ll all bide our time until then.

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Most wouldn’t think of it as a sort of energy. Or that it would factor into this discussion at all.

Then again, some might realize that their emotions have such a huge sway over their state of being, and of those around them, that they may think otherwise.

In fact, seeing that energy is the main drive behind emotion may make a lot of sense. No wonder they’re such a bother. Persistent, unruly, messy as a monsoon. Sounds about right.

If you’re curious to see how energy and emotion overlap, check out the Emotional. This page a few energetic mechanisms I believe to be at work behind many emotional “disorders” including depression and anxiety. Food for thought.

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How American of me, summing up thousands of years of bioenergetic research and development by cultures around the world in bite sized morsels, all hastily ripped from Wikipedia.

Though let’s be honest, before you found yourself on this page, you hadn’t heard half these terms. In fact, half is generous. Did you know of a single one? At least now, you know. This is only meant to be a sampler.

All in all, humanity has been aware of an accessible energetic aspect of our reality for thousands of years. Each practice has its own origin and distinctive style, though there are a few qualities that most all of them share:

  • this energy pervades all animate and inanimate objects
  • breath is a key element to the propagation of this energy in living beings
  • if one wishes to guide and mold this energy, intricately directed intention is key

Isn’t it neat when we all find aspects we agree upon?

Another common thread all these methodologies share is their ticket to entry. In order to make use of this energy, it requires intensive dedication to a stringent regimen. It will take you weeks, months, even years to find yourself in a state of being most conducive to energetic maneuvers.

If you truly apply yourself, you’ll meet the same success others have and continue to do.

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These approaches yield success for those willing to change their lives. It’s almost certainly a fine way to live, provided you are diligent.

A supposed connection to divinity or God, as these cultures claim? Could be enticing, if one were spiritual. I realize some may find this an uncomfortable subject, because wandering into this domain using unofficial means might be a no-no in their personal religion. Is one doing “witchcraft” or some devil’s art by participating? One couldn’t be sure at the start.

What if you’re not religious or spiritual? I wonder what the end goals of meditation and energetic practice will be for you. Maybe it’s simply for better health and improved emotional stability. Or a little brain conditioning. Heightened mental clarity. There are numerous secular benefits that require no system of belief whatsoever.

Whether one is religious or not, doing meditation of most any styling will have perks for you. It could be worth it to follow one of these paths.

One of these rigorous, strictly organized, multi-year paths.

Awful lot of work.

Getting sleepy just thinking about it. Maybe next week. Next week I’ll read a book on it. Or watch a Youtube.

Are these really and truly the only ways to achieve these perks?

My answer: no, they’re not.

I’m not saying these ancient cultures were wrong. They were wise to make their knowledge selectively given, and slow to dish out. A normal schmo would need a prodigious amount of work to stick his or her fingers into the building blocks of our shared reality. Most won’t stick around long enough to get anywhere. Would you prefer it otherwise? Schmos of all sorts mucking around in our energetic backyards? I think not.

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The Shake Up

There was an advancement made. You could consider it a fairly nifty cheat code. An insidious shortcut.

You don’t have to pass any tests from an old hermit, or scrub the temple floors for a year in order for any teachers there to acknowledge your existence.

Not to sound elitist or anything, but it was us Western dogs who came across a simple way to tap into this energetic medium not through our bodies, but external technology.

It began with a man named Wilhelm Reich.

Rather than the body, a device could be the energetic conduit instead.

Perhaps no life journey is really needed to earn admission here. It can all be skipped through machinery.

The device he created was called an orgone accumulator. He named this energy orgone.

If you’re curious about how this all came to be, check the Orgone Origin page. It’s a wild trip full of sex, drama and tragedy, you’ll love it.

(fun fact: Aether and all Aetheric technology is an offshoot of orgone and Reichian therapy)

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Qi, prana, mana, pneuma, lung, odic force… orgone.

At the very root of all this, these thousands of years of study and practice, what is it all these cultures have been working with?

What would an American’s answer to this be, I wonder… mass hysteria? Way to use the ol’ noggin.

Mounting evidence points to these all being different masks for the same thing. Different approaches of mining and refining this most mysterious of materials: extradimensional energy.

I feel it’s a form of energy that we are not taking full advantage of. Like heat or light, this energy has a direct effect on biological systems. The only difference is that it cannot be touched or seen by our current technology. At the moment, the best tool for measuring energy is a biological system, much like yourself. Like any tool used for the sake of science, you might need some practice and calibration before really diving into all this.

You think a child who was blindfolded his whole life could tackle the concept of “sight” in a day? Like him, you might need some time to adjust.

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Let’s think about it. The bigger and more powerful our particle accelerators become, the more particles we discover. The ecology of the minute is ever growing, yet we feel none of this applies to our immediate reality. If there’s more to find in the quantum realm, is it possible that we have yet to fully figure out our own macroscopic reality?

Will we be limited to these five basic senses forever? Or are the oldest and wisest peoples on Earth on to something? Are we more capable than our physical organs might hint to?

Whether you like it or not, my material and collective research proves that, at the very least, the physical world is not entirely figured out just yet.

For some reason or other, when you hold Aetheric material, you feel something. A sensation is delivered without the use of batteries, chemicals or trickery. You can put your brains to work trying to find an alternate reason as to why this is happening, but I can save you the work and fill you in right here: it’s energy. That sensation is energy.

Since you can now tangibly feel that this energy is real, perhaps these multicultural systems that discuss energy are not fantasy, and are in fact regimens that delve into the mastery of the nonphysical aspects of ourselves and our environments. An extradimensional workout program. P90x-tradimensional, if you will. In this case, they may be well worth looking into more closely.

You can try and fight this movement if you’d like. Your time is yours to use. Toil away on the defense of your upbringing as you face the unknown. If you feel this is the best use you can be to the world, then be my guest and continue. Maybe you’ll put yourself to work, do a few experiments and unwittingly add to our growing pool of knowledge on the subject.

A more immediately useful option would be to see how far this untapped field can take us. Nestled within this unknown quality of energy lie potential answers to the biggest issues we face as a species. With further research we could use this energy to bolster our health, improve our quality of life and heal ailments in an entirely noninvasive fashion. Cheap, too. Ought to help with our ridiculously overpriced health infrastructure.

We may find a way to churn this energy field into electricity, solving our energy crisis forever. No pollution, no bills to pay, no upkeep or wars fought over a dwindling resource. Let’s face it, oil is inefficient, it’s messy, and it’s a temporary luxury that was never meant to last. We have to find other options and fast, otherwise things will only get worse.

Fortunately, there has been much work in this direction. Free energy devices have already been created. Dozens, as it would turn out. If you’re curious why you’ve never heard of them, I’ll have a blog written up on it soon.

The world’s a fascinating place. Let it be of more use to you. Entertain the notion that some cultures may very well know something you do not.

Not yet, anyways.

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