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The act of healing is perhaps the greatest and most natural function of Aether technology.

Whether it’s you, a loved one, or an entire region, the process happens quite automatically.

Simply holding a small unit of Aether is enough to grant a person immense relief.

This happens because of two reasons:

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1) A strong flow of positively oriented subtle energy serves to revitalize the body

2) This energy clashes with negatively oriented energy, reveals its source in the body, and works to process it to a positive state

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Both of these are vitally important if you wish to experience healing on the deepest level. And while any Aether device will serve to accomplish these tasks, there are a few that excel at it.

With the right intention or “magick,” you can undo wounds and illnesses that seem otherwise permanent.

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GP Variants

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Here at Aetheric, we are fortunate to possess our one-of-a-kind “Variant” technology.

Unlike traditional orgone devices, which utilize crystals, coils and additives to customize their energy output, Aether doesn’t require anything but plain resin. Unheard of in the orgone biz.

I am able to then “program” this resin as it cures, and give it a unique function. I call these different programs Variants.

There are some vendors who play certain frequencies as their resin cures, such as 432hz and so on. While this may positively influence the end product, it pales in comparison to the deep-seated energy function of a Variant.

As I discuss on the Variants Guide page, there are two branches of Variants: SP and GP.

GP stands for “Gently Positive,” and serves as a great first choice for those looking for something simple, pleasant, and uplifting. Sometimes this is all you need. These soft, sweet, nurturing energies create a perfect environment for rapid recovery.

Even emotional disturbances such as depression, anxiety, and so on can be helped in this way. In fact, through a subtle energy approach, these become the easiest aspects of ourselves to heal.

GP Variants are pretty straightforward. Simply holding a piece is all you need to do. The energy output will naturally circulate throughout the body. Spots that are energetically “out of balance” or unnatural will automatically draw the attention of this energy, which only seeks to restore balance and harmony.

If your desired healing is emotional in nature, you can assist by granting the Aether “full access” to your distress. Feel the precise vibration of pain that it brings, and think through every layer of the incident. As you do this, feel into every nuance of the energy output of your Aether device. Note its tempo, sensation, and the emotion it reminds you of.

The goal of doing this is to “thoroughly mix” the sensation of your undesired emotional quality with the sensation of the Aether. By doing this, the energy is able to fully wash over every inch of your target emotional distress. This is needed for the absolute deepest healing to take place.

This method can also be used for physical injuries or pain. Just focus on the injury or sensation, and do your best to mesh the two sensations together.

While this can  You can help this process along by laying down and placing Aether on or near certain parts of your body. It is helpful to try this on both the front and back.

Try placing your Aether on the following spots:

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  • – neck
  • – heart
  • – solar plexus
  • – hip flexors
  • – lower back
  • – on or near feet
  • – 2 or 4 inches above the top of your head

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These spots have been found to be effective in providing relief for the whole body. Interestingly enough, an energetic imbalance in one part of the body might find its origin in an entirely different part. I’ve encountered this time and time again. Chinese Traditional Medicine delves into this concept deeply — maybe a little too deeply.

So, it’s worth a shot.

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SP Variants

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While the GP Variants are often enough to significantly improve your healing, you might be one of the unlucky individuals that has an illness or injury with a powerful hold on you.

Western medicine would be caught dead if they ever made a mention, but negative energy and “black magick” can, and often do, play a part in some individuals’ personal trauma.

This will likely sound like a load of bull to most people. Luckily it’s an easy phenomenon to prove.

As for how some people find themselves to be targets of such things, that’s difficult to ascertain. For the most part it seems that high potential people — those with hearts full of light — attract this sort of trouble the most. 99% of the time, they have done nothing to deserve this attention.

As for how to prove whether or not this is happening to you, it couldn’t be more simple. All you have to do is acquire an Aether device with an SP Variant (such as Spearmint, Singe, the HG Variants, etc). After that, you hold it.

That’s it. Nothing more to it.

As you hold the device, pay attention to the negative issues plaguing you. Be they physical, emotional, or even spiritual, do your best to mix the sensation of the Aether with that of your target condition. If you notice that your condition feels relieved, or fades away entirely, then you are the lucky recipient of something sinister.

Again, it’s more common than you might think. And it’s a simple matter to remove. So there’s nothing to fear.

Just a heads up: if you find this to be the case with you, and it’s been a long ongoing battle, it’s very possible that someone close to you is responsible for it. As mentioned on my Best A Witch page, those who practice magick are becoming increasingly common. If you’re willing to do anything to ensure it doesn’t come back, you will want to take a few actions.

Whatever you decide to do, I’ll be here to help you on your healing journey. If any issues arise, just let me know!

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