- Gently stretch arms, neck and torso
- Hold head high
- Slower, deeper inhale and exhale in equal measure. Repeat. Continue
- Hold the Aether between your fingers, arm partially extended
- Keep arm and body free of tension
- Feel for subtle "tempo" or "beat" within your arm, head and body
- Continue steady breathing to strengthen output
- Aether reacts to human intention — guide it well
- Utilize this energy output for virtuous and empowering purposes!
That should be enough to get you started.
Like any artform, there are a million places you can take this technology. Aether is but a catalyst to process and shape the energies around us.
If the basics aren't doing it for you, and you feel ready to master advanced techniques, Bastion might pique your interest.
If joining our private community isn't in the cards for you just yet, I wrote a book on the basics of utilizing Aether for spiritual self-defense. It's called The Alastrine Saga and I think you'll quite like it. Truly a one-of-a-kind read.
This promises to be a marvelous time for you. Enjoy yourself! Spiritual awakening is such a joy when aided with powerfully positive energy technology.
If you have any questions, my contact info can be found at the bottom of the page.
Thank you for stopping by!