Day 1 of 5

Day 2 of 5

Day 3 of 5

Day 4 of 5

Day 5 of 5

Portland routes in their entirety
Are you Aetherienced?
Every installation you see on the maps above makes use of a highly invigorated form of Aether, the next generation of subtle energy propagation technology.
I took some time off and spent five days helping to put together this network. The maps above show the progress that was made each day.
Each blue marker you see denotes a customized TLR, or tri-layered Ray (no longer in production; we now utilize SLRs or septa-layered Rays). These TLRs has been modified to provide exceptional linear range and impact on its surroundings, and have all been aimed and placed with care to assist the greatest amount of people possible. These were installed during 2017 and 2018, and continue to be installed as people request gifting services to be fulfilled in their region.
Between these blue markers I've placed hundreds and hundreds of smaller, multi-layered items such as MicroCubes, MicroSpheres, Drops, bits of Binding and more. These units perform multiple functions, all of which serve to empower you physically, emotionally, and spiritually. All you have to do is be in proximity of these routes. The future of therapy will be free, endless, and available to all! That future starts here and now.
This installation was made possible by a small number of donors who have chosen to remain anonymous.