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The dial falls away — out of sight out of mind

Looking down to find it, all that can be seen is a roaring light that stretches across the floor

Shadows dance in the distance as it churns and froths to a tune beyond tempo

Where am I?

Light and dark dissolve into each other, casting the surroundings into caricatures impossible to identify

Failure to know the where

What is this?

Whatness, the act of being

A state that transcends instance

Light, shadow

and heat beyond measure

Heat? I feel fine. How . . . ?

It is acceptable to not know

In being, one knows all that is needed

Being . . .

Radiance through one’s nature

Without reservation. Hesitation. Cognition, even

How can I be if I don’t know . . . ?

Water flows in all its forms whether it wets the ground, sky or one’s mouth

Wind blows around this world and shapes the skies

without a clue as to why

Fire glows, bringing light and shifting the elements

delivering warmth

and change

Change . . .

To be the flame

a harbinger of truth

a conduit for light to shine at full strength

a weapon that will forge the face of Aunios

It frightens me.

Fear is the entrance to the unknown

the kindling, the introduction

to more of oneself

light will always intrigue fear

an attraction, a dance that defies timelines

Those who shine brightest draw in the new

be it friendly or fiendish

To burn, is to brew

to create. Foster. Cleanse

and kill

all at once

I don’t want to kill.

Kill without killing

Determine, without decimating

Clear, without causing catastrophe

Be the flame that can be directed

A disciplined light

is the light that will

pierce the veil

It can be controlled . . . ?


is an instance of control

a binding of energies, dimensions, emotions and

so much more

a contained fire is a sustained fire

a sustained fire

can purge

the curses that plague cosmos

A diligent and steady burn

upends a thousand years

of tyranny absolute

a single singe

prefaces a world

of one’s preference

I am . . .

This, and that

Here, and not-here

That which one desires and one fears

The entrance, and the exit

Within Paradox lies

the greatest power

Become that, which

threatens to undo you

— and transcend both


